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Welcome to Wellspring Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Working Hours

Monday – Friday

09:00AM – 17:00PM

Saturday – Sunday


From Our Gallery

Because You Matter

With your wishes and intentions at the center, we integrate a range of therapies, and guidance, and together we map out a unique journey, on which you will be able to loosen emotional and physical blocks and discover the pure essence of you.

Pure Gratitude

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for allowing me to share my energy with you. I know that you have many choices when it comes to who you hire along your journey to a healthier, happier you. I am honored and humbled that you allowed Pure Being to be part of that journey. Improving our client’s lives is our highest intention..

~ Ivonne, founder of Pure Being


From the moment of sitting down with Ivonne to talk over my reiki session, I felt the most powerful loving energy coming from Ivonne. It brought me to tears of sheer bliss and I knew straight away that she was born to help people heal within and be at peace .. I loved every minute of my reiki session with ivonne and was comforted by all her knowledge and her natural presence of calm and unwavering commitment to give her best to you x

In this fast paced and busy country we live in, practicing Yoga with Ivonne allows us to bring our mind, body and soul back into balance. From the very first class we enjoyed Ivonne’s enthusiasm, patience, love of Yoga, and demeanor.

Hola Ivonne como estas? Es una gran bendicion haberte encontrado por esta red social. No tienes ni idea lo mucho que tus mensajes de optimismo,espiritualidad, y positivismo me ayudan cada vez que los leo. Tengo 3 hijos. Y tienen muchas actividades…Mi hijita es especial. No habla ni camina. Ella es mi sol, mi vida, mi luz es algo maravilloso que Dios me ha regalado. Y tambien necesita mucha dedicacion y cuidado. aveces siento que no puedo con tantas cosas…Gracias por estar aqui y seguir escribiendo cosas tan inteligentes y reales.

This is a space where you can speak from your heart about any of your sessions with Pure Being. Your words matter to us very much. We will read them. Every word.

If you are comfortable, please do share details – such as, why did you contact us? Did our work impact your life? What did you like/dislike? – it could mean the world of a difference to someone, sitting at home, hesitating to make a change.

It is in pure gratitude that we accept your words. Please share freely, because good or bad, there is a learning for all of us to evolve.

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